Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home study time!

I’m starting to think Jeremiah is a better blogger than I am! I didn’t see that coming. ;) Just kidding! I love you, Jeremiah. I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. You’re a fabulous husband and you’re going to be an amazing Dad one of these days! J
So since our meeting with the adoption attorney, Mark Iverson, I was able to contact the home study lady that he recommended and I schedule our first meeting with her. Her name is Ruth and from the few times I’ve been able to speak with her on the phone I've found her to be very helpful and she seems to be a great woman. We’re going to be meeting with her on Saturday morning at 10:30. I’m not really sure what to expect from this first meeting. I’m assuming most of it will be going over paper work and forms and her explaining to us what they are and how to fill them out. From what she’s told me… there is a LOT to fill out. Basically Jeremiah and I will have to write a lot about our lives. The way we were raised, disciplined, what our childhood was like, how our marriage is and etc… And then the flip side… how we intend to raise and discipline our children and so on and so forth.  It’s definitely a lot to think about.  I’m sure Jeremiah and I both have ideas in our heads of how we’d like to do this but it hasn’t been a common conversation for us yet so it’ll be good for us to sit down and figure it all out.
I had asked Ruth if there was anything she expected or that needed to be done before we have our first meeting with her... like does the baby’s room need to be finished or anything like that. To my great relief she said, no. She said that there’s going to be plenty of time to get all the little details done while all of our paperwork is getting processed. We both have to have criminal and background checks, as well as our fingerprints ran. (uh oh!! j/k) Another thing she mentioned was we both have to have physicals done unless we’ve had one in the past year.  That surprised me at first but after thinking about it for a while it made sense. Of course they would want the potential adopters to be both mentally and physically stable.
I’m very excited about Saturday. We’ll have lots to tell you I’m sure! Please be praying for us! As exciting as this is… it’s still a little nerve racking. So thank you! We do appreciate your prayers and support very much!


  1. Mr. Iverson was our attorney. What a nice, nice man! Is Ruth a private social worker or does she work through an agency? Have fun! I know you will.

  2. Yes he is. I think we'll really enjoy working with him. :)
    Ruth is just a local Home Studier here in Spokane. She doesn't work through any agency as far as I know. But I may be wrong.
